Dean is Here!
Dean is finally here. Born at 12:31pm on April 17, 2007. Yeah!!!!
This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I am a wife, mother of three, and friend to many. Remember: There is always Tomorrow.
Uhhhh.... how do I let his classmates know they are invited. The school directory has yet to be published. Before I had read the rules (I know I signed something stating I read them on parent orientation night, but who really reads them anyways), I had handed out a few to parents in the cafeteria after school and some to the older siblings who picked up their brother/sisters to give them to their parents. Well I got in trouble indirectly. One of the co-teachers told turtle the next day that his mommy and him are not allowed to hand out invitations at school. Ooops. He also got a copy of the rules in his folder sent home for me to peruse. Bad mommy.
So I went to the head teacher and she said others were in the same predicament as I and she would send home a letter for each parent to sign to allow their addresses/phone numbers released for birthdays. I've only got a few back, but not from turtle's closest friends. So I had to explain to him that some of his friends might not be able to attend because we can't get the invitations to them. Poor little guy. So sad. Anyone else having problems with "school rules"?
Yes I know it sounds cornball, but that's me. What's your way of destressing?