
This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I am a wife, mother of three, and friend to many. Remember: There is always Tomorrow.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Please God give us all the strength to overcome this. I cannot imagine what these poor people are going through. To totally be uprooted from normalcy and have no idea where they are going to live or get food and water, to have lost their loved ones, and not be able to leave the area that is in total chaos. I feel so helpless. I even tried to donate money to the Red Cross online, but there was so much traffic on the internet that I got an error after I hit submit. I have no idea if they got it or not so I will have to wait and see if I get charged on my credit card and then try again. I'm going to go through all my garage sale stuff and see if there is any I can donate to the victims who now have nothing. I beg everyone to do what ever they can to help out with this disaster. Give money, clothing, food, water, time, housing, blood. Anything will help. Check with the hurricane relief charities and see what they need most so we can be the most effective. God bless all.


At 6:20 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger Krit said...

I wanted to do a blog on this but didn't know where to start.

Tonight I saw babies dying. Mothers were losing it and I almost did myself.

What makes things worse is the kids that are okay are scared because everyone is acting crazy. I don't mean to say everyone- I guess the masses that I see.

I can't believe this has happened. I loved this city and now it seems like the worst place on earth.

There are so many thoughts going through my mind.

Thoughts about the looters- those stealing necessities, those stealing just because they can, and those stealing because they just don't know better. I mean, I heard about parents and children breaking into places together. What chance do those kids have of being decent? What a world to grow up in.

Then I think about why they are there, why didn't they flee. Someone pointed out that some might have wanted to be around after the hit to profit from the damage. Oh my gosh- I can't imagine.

I think about it from a race perspective, alot of the black people on TV are behaving so badly and that seems to be all that I see. I mean at least 95% of them. I don't judge them and I know they are not what the whole black race are about but some people will be absorbing this and using it to perpetuate racism. What about the kids watching it- are they going to be drawing the wrong conclusions?

How can they survive- why hasn't the Government done more. Damn President Bush- this isn't right. People voted for him because he made them feel safe? This is save? We should have been prepared. Why aren't we air dropping supplies, food, and water? Why are so many people suffering to such a degree?

It makes me sick.

At 6:40 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger SunnyMcBunny said...

I know it is horrible. But I don't disagree with some of the looting. These people have nothing and a lot of them are looting diapers and food and water and clothes. Things they have to have to survive is a necessity since no one is bringing in supplies fast enough. I know it looks horrible and it is horrible, but I try to put myself in their shoes. If I had lived there and was homeless with my family and I had no money or nothing to my name anymore there is no way of knowing what I would do to save my family and make sure they have food and water. It is desperation that is caused from lack of things getting done fast enough and efficiently.

A lot of the people who stayed were so poor that they had no possible way of leaving. No car, no money for a bus ticket, nothing. Some had no choice. I know I'm not poor and I don't know what they faced in those moments of whether to leave or stay, but I feel I would have done anything to leave whether it would of been to walk my ass out of there. There was more than two days notice before the hurricane hit. It is so emotional. The pics make it look like a third world country. Its hard to fathom that it is so close to were we live.

At 7:27 AM, September 02, 2005, Blogger Krit said...

I don’t blame the looters providing for their children but I’m disgusted with the ones just looking for personal gain. Have you heard that some of the looters are shooting rescue workers? I suppose they don’t want to be interrupted until they’re done.

I saw 3 young men walking through waist high water with about 10 pairs of expensive shoes between them. What are shoes going to do for anyone that has nothing? Are they going to put those shoes in their closets that don’t exist? Are they going to wear those shoes to the club that is no longer. I mean it says a lot about people’s priorities. This was 3 days into it so it wasn’t like a barter system was in place and I have no doubt those guys no longer have their shoes because you can’t eat shoes and reality must have set in by now. I keep thinking about how proud they were of their new stolen shoes that they couldn’t even wear. The were elated, like nothing else mattered.

I would also do anything possible to ensure my children would get through it as unharmed as possible but we’re all God’s children. I wouldn’t do anything to anyone that I wouldn’t want someone else to do to my child.

I’m like you, I would be walkin’ somewhere… not staying there to die some prolonged horrific death in a city in the middle of the USA (one of the most powerful countries in the world). But some of them can’t, and as each minute passes- more and more can’t.

I wonder how many of them stayed that could have gone? And how are there that many people that are so poor? Clearly most of them were really poor to start with and that explains why so many of them are there now I guess. The regret and despair has to be overwhelming. I can’t imagine how it must feel to know that you don’t matter to your government, that you children don’t matter. More could have been done- more needs to be done.

At 8:49 PM, September 06, 2005, Blogger Marie said...

I have an appointment tomorrow to give blood. And they are begging for help with the victims. I am thinking about looking into trying to help out. but I am scared because when I was watching the news the people that need the help seem to be getting really mean. I will let ya'll know what I decide.

At 3:08 PM, September 07, 2005, Blogger Krit said...

Call FEMA at (817) 275-3000 to get a job paying $15 an hour helping.

At 9:00 PM, September 09, 2005, Blogger Krit said...

McRerun- there's lots of new things happening here. Like how FIMA stopped giving out the $2000 debit cards. Darn it. I bet those were coming in handy to.

Do you think things got ugly with them- were people abusing them or robbing others? It seems tempting. What do you think? Post your thoughts... move forward. This story is still going.


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