So off we go, not really knowing what to do or where to start. We picked up where we left off two months later. But unfortunately we had two more months of no shows. What was happening? Our small group got real couple small. It was just my husband and I at the meetings. What to do, what to do? Do we just dissolve our small group and go our merry ways? Do we beg and beg to be accepted to the original group? Do we recruit new members? Well we found out we couldn't be accepted to the original group because it would make it toooo full. So now what?
Okay, so we were getting discouraged, couldn't get anyone to attend and were running out of options. So I prayed about it.... then later I thought "What would Jesus do?" Would he just give up and stop sharing the good word just because no one would come to listen? NOPE! Would he try to get others to come and join? YES HE WOULD! So the answer was clear as crystal. Don't give up! Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!
So now I am telling anyone and everyone I know about the openings in my small group, hoping for as many as possible to get interested and want to join. I love how the original small group is so close to each other and I would love to have that for our group. To all be together and share the great word of God.
Okay so I lose my Small Group LEADER badge, but not small group participant status. I mean, come on girl. I know you're SunnyMcFunny but don't take the most important thing away from me that I've got going. Small Group is my world. Besides I'm STILL the POSC's Event Cordinator. Did I spell that right? I need spell check. if you are readying this- please add spell check to the comment section. Anywho- you know what they say about having titles you can't spell... What do they say about it? Does anyone say anything at all.
I am so going to make you business recruiting cards on my lunchbreak tomorrow and I just know you can get some more couples. I mean you and Art are a pretty cool couple but not really a great small group in and of yourselves. We'll do a BIG push and try to find some people who would be interested at the Carnival.
BTW- didn't it take me almost a year to get you on board with the small group thing. Just think- had you joined then... actually the GROUP was started with the folks that came in after us.
But should anyone not be able to fulfill their POSC duties, you so are the runners up. BUT the GROUP needs you now and we need to bring the small group concept to others so...
And if you want to be the leader- be the leader. I can give you and Art equal billing on your GROUP cards. What do you think?
You guys are great! I so wish I had joined your group when it originally started. But maybe this has happened for a reason. I definitely will utilize any help you guys offer. Thanks so much for the offer. And by the way Duckmate, you have been added.
Look at you adding links- you're awesome. DuckMate still has the best blog- weathermaps and whatnot but links help alot. Gives you a source to go to, so that you can easily check others.
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