Anyone else feel they are spread out too thin? Why do I do this to myself all the time? I finally had to break down and do an Excel spreadsheet so I would know where I would be at what time, who I had to take where when, and when to fit in work, appointments, playdates, etc.... How anal is this? Having two small children really spreads out your time. My oldest will be starting kindergarten, along with karate and soccer. My youngest will be starting preschool, along with swimming, dance, and gymnastics. Then I have to fit in 18 hours of work, doctor visits, sanity. Did I mention sanity? I feel way overwhelmed! I finally had to cut out playing Mah Jongg with some friends every week. What will be next?My kids want to do all these activities and I really don't mind taking them, but I just don't want them or me to get burnt out to soon. My husband jokes that I need to include nervous breakdowns in my time sheet. Hmm... when will that come....Tuesday at 4pm or Wednesday at 10am?
Time Time Time
See what you've done to me
As I look around
at the Possibilities
Okay so maybe those are the wrong words? I need the site that has words to songs. Something like imdb.com but for lyrics.
Oh this isn't my blog? What? I got blog confusion.
Maybe because it could be me saying the same thing (and using the same fab clipart)- us Mommies take on alot and we get stretched pretty thin (not literally but you know what I mean). Wouldn't it be great if how far you're stretched actually came out in how you look. Like if the more you did for your kids, the thinner you got? ahhh, that would be nice.
But I digress... sometimes you have to say no. Oh yeah you left off Church and Small Group (I think)- don't say no to those.
Anyway, take time to enjoy what you're doing- that makes going from one thing to another easier (and fun). If you have fun it doesn't feel like work. Time is like money, you are going to spend it somewhere. If you fill it up with positive things- then you will have time spent that was positive. BUT schedule some time for downtime and for husband/family time too.
Okay okay okay, give me the cheese. Cheddar please.
Did you know I went to Capri Sun college for 4 years? That was my specialty. In fact, they named it partially after me. "Sun" in Capri Sun is really short for SunnyMcBunny.
Okay McFunny, you're better at this than I. I'm jealous. I told BeLikeAduck that I was nervous about you'all becoming friends because you're like me in alot of ways and then even better in others.
Wine anytime. Like the drink.
I mean, I like wine.
I like wine to drink.
But ha ha you have no image with you comments so in one small way - I win.
Comments should have spelling and grammar check.
My previous error makes me lose.
I lose, I lose.
Where is the booze?
Do you know I did spell check on this one and misspelled grammar? Why do I share EVERYTHING?
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