My mini me is so in love with dogs. She is constantly telling me "Mommy pretend I dog and pretend I Molly (a dog Grandma used to have). She will get on all fours and bark and pant, then she proceeds to rollover for me to rub her belly. Yes I know it sounds cute, but it drives me absolutely bonkers. Because when mini me is a dog she thinks she can do bad and not get in trouble and on top of that she always wants to be a dog in public. Crawling on dirty floors and barking at people walking by, it's soooooo embarrassing. I know it is just a phase, at least I hope so, but for some reason it hits on my last nerve. She says she has to be a dog because she doesn't have one in real life, which she won't be getting one any time soon either. I'm not a dog person and besides we have a cat already and dogs and cats don't mesh well together. So what does she tell me today on the way home from preschool....
Mini Me: Mommy?
Me: Yes Mini me?
Mini Me: I want my cat to die so we can get a dog.
What?????!!!!????? This is coming from a three year old???? Okay, I did tell her we couldn't get a dog until Jasper died because she didn't like dogs, but I never thought she would want the cat
to die so she could get a dog. She then told me she doesn't like cats, she likes dogs and that her cousin Kole has a dog and he says dogs are better than cats. Ugh!
"Mini Me" is so cute, I love her so much. I think that you should cave and let her have a dog. In fact I think that you should get Molly back. :)
Just be careful what you tell her because it could back fire. One day Jasper will be gone and then she will except a dog to replace the cat.
Michael promised me a dog when I had to move to GA, but it has been 7 months and I still do not have a dog. But I still bug him about it every chance I get. I want a dog.. I want a dog...I want a dog...Honey, you promised me a dog, when am I getting my dog ect. You get the pic.
LOL- very funny posting. Great responses too.
Well nobody commmented on the dog in the picture- it is a Really cute dog. In fact, that dog is a great breed for kids.
I think you secretly want a dog but are afraid. Don't be and don't worry so much. Little dogs have lil' poop so that doesn't have to be a big issue.
The problem I see really is finding someone to dog sit if you're out of town. Line that up (our dog doesn't allow us to dog sit unless you get a dog big enough to hang), then get a dog, and as a result you'll make your daughter happy and all will be well.
I wasn't a happy dog owner when we had a puppy but now I LOVE our Scruff.
Now, this was a delightful posting but we're ready to move on :) Come on McFunny- tell us about your allergies. How did the testing go?
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