Okay, I've been suckered in. SUCKER! As one of my dear friends/family wrote in her own blog about peer pressure, I have fallen victim to it myself. "Blogging is so much fun" she says "You should do it". Yes after reading all of her posts and others on her links, yes it is fun. What a great way to vent your frustrations or just post random things. Let everyone know your thoughts and feelings on many topics and just be your crazy self. Yes I'm crazy. I love to say silly things and make people laugh. So hopefully I'm not setting myself up for failure here and everyone will think I'm stupid in my ramblings, but that's okay, everyone already thinks I'm off my rocker.
So I title my blog, "Tomorrow". Why tomorrow you ask? or maybe you don't ask, but I will tell you anyways. Just like in the movie, ANNIE, there is always tomorrow. Whenever things don't go your way, just think...Tomorrow. When you have bloggers block and don't know what to say, just think...Tomorrow. When you feel stressed out at work or home and your about to go crazy, just think...Tomorrow. I could go on and on and on. I try to use this thought process to save my sanity. Sometimes you will see me singing to myself and think what is that crazy person saying? Well here it is....
"The sun will come out Tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that Tomorrow, there'll be sun! Just thinkin' about Tomorrow, clears away the cobwebs, and the sorrow 'til there's none! When I'm stuck a day that's gray, and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin, and say, Oh! The sun will come out Tomorrow, So ya gotta hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may! Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow! You're always a day a way!
Yes I know it sounds cornball, but that's me. What's your way of destressing?
Man, what a great start!!! You are crazy but I really only like people who are to some degree or another- crazy. Welcome! I'm going to add you to my links :)
Tomorrow Tomorrow I have so much to do tomorrow, there's never enough time. I'm stressing, I'm behind, I'm wasting my time... Tomorrow, you're only a day away.
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