
This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I am a wife, mother of three, and friend to many. Remember: There is always Tomorrow.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Just when I think I've made my decision, doubt creeps back into my mind. Should we try for baby #3 or stop and enjoy the two we have? Since the youngest has been more of a handful than the first, we thought we had made up our mind about stopping and not having anymore. But then I see all these new babies and pregnant mommies and big families, that I wonder if we should go ahead and go for baby #3. Every day I list the pros and cons in the back of my mind. That's all I think about these days.

1. A new baby to have and love.
2. Both kids want another sibling.
3. Both kids said they are willing to sacrifice extracurricular activities, vacations, and toys for the new baby. I love the unselfishness qualities they have. Makes me so proud.
4. Age difference: By the time the baby will be born, both older kids will be in full time school, so things wouldn't be so hectic timewise.
5. The older kids can help out.
6. I love the thought of a big family. My better half has a big family and I think that is so cool. I only have one brother and I always wonder what it would of been like to have another sibling. I see big families on vacations and it looks like so much fun.

1. Sanity
2. Three kids and I only have two arms. One will always be getting away.
3. Less money to take vacations. We have taken the kids on numerous vacations. We love to travel and take the kids to fun places. We have taken the kids everywhere, from camping, to Las Vegas, to Disneyworld, to Seaworld, to family reunions in Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, and El Paso. And we would love to keep doing that.
4. Less time for extracurricular activities. Three kids in sports at the same time. Do I need to say more?
5. Finding a babysitter for three.
6. Starting over. Just when I'm getting used to diaper free kids, being able to sleep through the night, and kids being more independent and doing things for themselves and now I want to start over with sleepless nights, baby food, and stinky diapers?

I could think of more and more pros and cons, which makes my decision harder. If we decide to try, our point of no return is this summer. If we don't get pregnant by this summer then it wasn't meant to be. I don't want the age difference between the youngest and the new baby to be more than five years. I think any more than that would be too much. I just hope we decide whether or not to try before the deadline. Anyone else contemplating more than two kids? Anyone have advice or comments?

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Okay, we did it. We finally caved in and got our kids a dog. Almost everyone knows that I've always been against this and have never been very keen to dogs. But when the hamster dies, you are forced to face the consequences. The ones where you told your kids that when either the hamster or cat dies we can get a new pet. Not really thinking that the time would come so soon. I always hated the hamster and always secretly wanted it to die, but why did it have to die so soon. Well of course as soon as the hamster died, the dog talk began. We said what the heck. We looked in the paper and bought a golden retriever puppy right after Thanksgiving weekend. Art named her Shelby. The first few days were rough, but she is turning out to be a great dog. Don't get me wrong. It wasn't and impulse buy. I did lots of research to find out what dog is best for kids and good all around and goldens get a five star rating. Now I could forgo the occasional pee on my carpet (thank goodness we haven't replaced it) and the hyperness of a new puppy, but I actually love her and miss her when I'm at work. She is so good and follows directions real well. She hasn't chewed anything up yet and is trying real hard on the potty training. We start puppy classes next week and I'm looking forward to that, because we want her good and trained so we can take her with to Disneyworld in March.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Nothing personal, but I just want everyone to know that your links are safe on my blog and I won't delete you off if you stop posting. I totally understand if you get blogged out or are very busy with real life and can't commit to posting random thoughts all day during work or at home. Besides, it really doesn't take up space to have many links, it's really just people trying to be very mean. I will not be a blog snob like other people we might know. Not naming names, you know who you are. But even though I have "updated" my blog, please do not add me back to your list. No hard feelings. :)