Nothing personal, but I just want everyone to know that your links are safe on my blog and I won't delete you off if you stop posting. I totally understand if you get blogged out or are very busy with real life and can't commit to posting random thoughts all day during work or at home. Besides, it really doesn't take up space to have many links, it's really just people trying to be very mean. I will not be a blog snob like other people we might know. Not naming names, you know who you are. But even though I have "updated" my blog, please do not add me back to your list. No hard feelings. :)
Well I added your blog back to my listing ANYWAY (so huh).
Besides, you know I love ya. I was just taking the pressure off of ya. So what if you can't think of things to chat about, that doesn't make you a loser or me less busy- just means you're probably not as creative or interesting. I joke I joke.
Remember that time you kicked me out of your wedding because I had gained weight and you didn't want a fat bridesmaid or the time you told my friends that I had BO so they would ride with you? What about the incident with the Christmas Letter (the one you sent out that was supposedly from me but really was from you)? Do you know how many people thought I was pregnant from that? Did I hold those errors in judgment against you? NOPE. I still love you (even if you're mean).
a SNOB huh? Is that an acronym for a Super Neat Outstanding Blogger? If that’s the case, then yes this Queen is a SNOB!
hee hee
Glad you're blogging again (if this posting counts- I'm with SOS, it might not).
You crack me up. Like when you used to smoke crack, but hide it from Mike and the kids. But I kept your secret, like you told me to. No one really reads this blog so your secret is still secret. I just peed my pants reading this. But don't tell anyone, it's our secret. I'm not mad, and you don't have to put me back on your blog. I don't want to take up any precious space. I mean who wants a blog site with links to losers who don't post every week. But really I still love you like a fat kid loves cake. But thanks for losing that weight for my wedding, it means a lot to me. You were starting to look like a fat ass. But now you look great! No one would ever know you had lipo. I know, another secret I shouldn't tell. Love ya!
It wasn't crack, it was smack- how do you like that?
I had to take it when you forced it on me as a condition to be in your Wedding.
I beat it though, Smack is Wack!
Ya'll are funny!
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