Hi! My name is SunnyMcBunny and I have allergies. Yes I never thought I would say that, but it's true. It's very true. I've had them for as long as I can remember, but every year they get worse. My body has become immune to over the counter medications as well as some prescriptions. Ninety percent of the year I am a sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat, hacking mess. I never leave the house without a stock of tissues in my purse, car, or pocket. My worse allergies are grass, ragweed, and trees. Now I have had testing done before and was giving myself allergy shots at home every other day, but I always forgot to do it and it hurt if I didn't hit the right place. So I would stop the shots and suffer with medications that didn't work. Well the fall is always my worst month of the year and I have been suffering greatly. I decided to switch to a different allergist to ease my pain. He suggested allergy testing again. To be able to do this I had to be off all antihistamines for four days. FOUR DAYS?!?!?! Oh my, that was the worst four days of my life. I scratched my eyes raw, would eat sharp chips/crackers so they would scratch my throat on the way down, the skin on my nose was starting to peel off from the constant blowing, and I was getting migraines every night. I hardly slept those days but I was so happy when Tuesday came. Oh Tuesday, I will name my next child after you. Well my previous doc had done all the tests on my arms, but this one does the majority on your back. Let me tell you it felt like I was in a torture chamber. It is such an awkward feeling. They take this sharp plastic stick and poke and twist it through your skin. The bad thing was I didn't know whether to laugh or cry with each of the 60+ pokes. I am very ticklish on my back and it was agonizing. The doc came in and said it looked like I had the worst allergies they have every seen. On almost everything they tested me for I hit the max allergy rating. They were off the chart. He gave me mucho prescriptions and said he would start my special serum right away. They said it would take ten days to make it so to just live off the meds for now. Well today they called me and said the serum was ready. WOW! That was only one day! They must really feel sorry for me. So I get my first shot tomorrow on my year's track of shots. The meds they gave me are working so far. I feel great which is so not normal for me. Hip hip hooray I can cancel that plastic bubble off of Ebay that I was going to live in for the rest of my life.