
This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I am a wife, mother of three, and friend to many. Remember: There is always Tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Hi! My name is SunnyMcBunny and I have allergies. Yes I never thought I would say that, but it's true. It's very true. I've had them for as long as I can remember, but every year they get worse. My body has become immune to over the counter medications as well as some prescriptions. Ninety percent of the year I am a sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat, hacking mess. I never leave the house without a stock of tissues in my purse, car, or pocket. My worse allergies are grass, ragweed, and trees. Now I have had testing done before and was giving myself allergy shots at home every other day, but I always forgot to do it and it hurt if I didn't hit the right place. So I would stop the shots and suffer with medications that didn't work. Well the fall is always my worst month of the year and I have been suffering greatly. I decided to switch to a different allergist to ease my pain. He suggested allergy testing again. To be able to do this I had to be off all antihistamines for four days. FOUR DAYS?!?!?! Oh my, that was the worst four days of my life. I scratched my eyes raw, would eat sharp chips/crackers so they would scratch my throat on the way down, the skin on my nose was starting to peel off from the constant blowing, and I was getting migraines every night. I hardly slept those days but I was so happy when Tuesday came. Oh Tuesday, I will name my next child after you. Well my previous doc had done all the tests on my arms, but this one does the majority on your back. Let me tell you it felt like I was in a torture chamber. It is such an awkward feeling. They take this sharp plastic stick and poke and twist it through your skin. The bad thing was I didn't know whether to laugh or cry with each of the 60+ pokes. I am very ticklish on my back and it was agonizing. The doc came in and said it looked like I had the worst allergies they have every seen. On almost everything they tested me for I hit the max allergy rating. They were off the chart. He gave me mucho prescriptions and said he would start my special serum right away. They said it would take ten days to make it so to just live off the meds for now. Well today they called me and said the serum was ready. WOW! That was only one day! They must really feel sorry for me. So I get my first shot tomorrow on my year's track of shots. The meds they gave me are working so far. I feel great which is so not normal for me. Hip hip hooray I can cancel that plastic bubble off of Ebay that I was going to live in for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


My mini me is so in love with dogs. She is constantly telling me "Mommy pretend I dog and pretend I Molly (a dog Grandma used to have). She will get on all fours and bark and pant, then she proceeds to rollover for me to rub her belly. Yes I know it sounds cute, but it drives me absolutely bonkers. Because when mini me is a dog she thinks she can do bad and not get in trouble and on top of that she always wants to be a dog in public. Crawling on dirty floors and barking at people walking by, it's soooooo embarrassing. I know it is just a phase, at least I hope so, but for some reason it hits on my last nerve. She says she has to be a dog because she doesn't have one in real life, which she won't be getting one any time soon either. I'm not a dog person and besides we have a cat already and dogs and cats don't mesh well together. So what does she tell me today on the way home from preschool....

Mini Me: Mommy?
Me: Yes Mini me?
Mini Me: I want my cat to die so we can get a dog.

What?????!!!!????? This is coming from a three year old???? Okay, I did tell her we couldn't get a dog until Jasper died because she didn't like dogs, but I never thought she would want the cat to die so she could get a dog. She then told me she doesn't like cats, she likes dogs and that her cousin Kole has a dog and he says dogs are better than cats. Ugh!

Monday, September 12, 2005


School has started and so have the birthdays. Yet I have never had so much trouble getting out invitations until this year. My turtle has made lots of new friends and basically is wanting to invite his entire class except a couple of the "bad" kids. Unfortunately our school has many many many rules on birthdays. Just a couple are...

School Rules:
  • We do not celebrate individual birthdays with cupcakes, favors, etc. Please do not bring any to class.
  • Students and parents are not allowed to hand out personal invitations at school to classmates.

Uhhhh.... how do I let his classmates know they are invited. The school directory has yet to be published. Before I had read the rules (I know I signed something stating I read them on parent orientation night, but who really reads them anyways), I had handed out a few to parents in the cafeteria after school and some to the older siblings who picked up their brother/sisters to give them to their parents. Well I got in trouble indirectly. One of the co-teachers told turtle the next day that his mommy and him are not allowed to hand out invitations at school. Ooops. He also got a copy of the rules in his folder sent home for me to peruse. Bad mommy.

So I went to the head teacher and she said others were in the same predicament as I and she would send home a letter for each parent to sign to allow their addresses/phone numbers released for birthdays. I've only got a few back, but not from turtle's closest friends. So I had to explain to him that some of his friends might not be able to attend because we can't get the invitations to them. Poor little guy. So sad. Anyone else having problems with "school rules"?

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Please God give us all the strength to overcome this. I cannot imagine what these poor people are going through. To totally be uprooted from normalcy and have no idea where they are going to live or get food and water, to have lost their loved ones, and not be able to leave the area that is in total chaos. I feel so helpless. I even tried to donate money to the Red Cross online, but there was so much traffic on the internet that I got an error after I hit submit. I have no idea if they got it or not so I will have to wait and see if I get charged on my credit card and then try again. I'm going to go through all my garage sale stuff and see if there is any I can donate to the victims who now have nothing. I beg everyone to do what ever they can to help out with this disaster. Give money, clothing, food, water, time, housing, blood. Anything will help. Check with the hurricane relief charities and see what they need most so we can be the most effective. God bless all.