Did anyone else feel like your life was almost over when you turned 30? I turn 30 on July 2 and I can't believe I won't be in my twenties anymore. I will now be in my thirties. Yuck! Just saying that makes me cringe. Every year I age is one more year closer to death. Can you sense how depressed I am about this? Maybe I do need to have another kid to make me feel young again. But if I think about all the gray hairs I have gotten from child rearing, it may make we look like I'm in my forties if I have another kiddo. Why can't we stay young forever? Everyday I look at my kids and they have grown up so much, they're not babies anymore. But how sweet is this: Both kids do tell me that even though they may grow up, they will still be my babies. Ooh, that melts my heart, I need to squeeze them. But even so, tomorrow I will turn around and they will be teenagers. Why does time have to go by so fast? I try to enjoy life to the fullest and I try to take it all in and spend as much time with my kids, but it never seems like enough (to me that is). Can anyone give me more time for my birthday? Or a time slower downer?