
This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I am a wife, mother of three, and friend to many. Remember: There is always Tomorrow.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


I love the month of October! Not sure if it is the cooler weather, halloween, or the pumpkins, but I love it. I especially love to carve pumpkins. It is a lot of work and very messy, but a lot of fun. Today my kids, Zac (my nephew), and I carved pumpkins. Well let me rephrase that. Zac helped me gut them out which is the messiest and time consuming job. Thanks Zac! The kids picked out the patterns they wanted and they made me carve them. Gage didn't want to get his hands dirty and Maddy was too busy playing with all the pumpkin pulp. So I had the job to carve three pumpkins. The first one I did was Gage's. He chose a skeleton. It was fairly easy but I accidently knocked out some of the teeth. Maddy chose a spider. And on the third one I was so tired of carving, I just decided to make a jack-0-latern face.


We just got back from a well needed camping trip. I love going camping or traveling just about anywhere. It really helps me to destress and relax. The weather was beautiful! We roasted marshmallows in the campfire, fished, cooked yummy food, and sat around and stared at the stars. I feel like a new person. The weight off my shoulders magically disappeared. If I could go camping every weekend I would. Of course going camping every weekend is not practical because then my house would become a major pigsty, but once every month or two will suffice. We had 11 people on this trip to Lake Whitney (us, my brother and his family, my cousin, and Art's brother and his son). We all had so much fun. We hung out with everyone and went fishing. Karl & Zac went on two hunting excursions. My brother and his family all had to leave early though because they had a stomach flu and couldn't stop throwing up. Yum! Now we will probably all be sick now. Thanks a lot Gary! Just kidding.

Friday, October 14, 2005


For all who read my blog, I ask of you one thing: Pray for my mom. She was just diagnosed with sarcoidosis today. It attacks the lymphnodes and lungs and sometimes other organs. Please pray for her that she comes through this. I know the power of prayer and I know it can help her just like it has with my father-in-law. Thank you and God bless.